Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Day Deuce = The Happiest Girl in the World

Well today I had my OB/Peds final and I feel it went pretty well. But that is NOT the best news of the day. What is really inportant is that I GOT A BOYFRIEND!! Hehe! And it is the cutest most adorable story ever :) So, I have been rekindling a romance with a summer fling I had back in 2003. We started talking again (we have always kept in touch but not "romantically") and it has been just wonderful. Today we started the "relationship" talk via text message and my phone started ringing. It was him. He said "I really didn't want to have this conversation over text...will you be my girlfriend?" I know it is cheesy but I love cheese and this made me the happiest girl in the world. This is the guy I will be marrying. Or, I really hope so! Is it wrong that I have already started planning my future pending wedding? haha! Everything just feels so right and I could not ask for anything more. Happy Happy Happy! I am at a loss for words. I really am. But this is my happy face...

I have the biggest and most ridiculous smile. But I have looked like this all day since getting "popped the question"! Lol! I absolutely can not wait to see what the future has in store for me :)


  1. does this mean if chanting tatum walked in a room he's all mine now???

  2. He can even have your side of the bed in the camping trailer :)
