I love my girls! I really really do! I seriously do not know what I would do without them! The night this picture was taken we had gotten together to have the Missionaries out for dinner. Haeli Mae made burgers (and a special chicken breast for moi), I made turtle brownies with cream cheese frosting(we HAD to sample one) and Kenzie the Kiss made a yummy nummy salad. If I have said it once, I have said it a hundred times! I just LA LA LOVE missionary dinners. I love the lessons we receive and I love talking about my experiences in the church and every way the Holy Ghost is a part of my life. I even said my FIRST public prayer! I was so nervous and thought I would just melt and of course I giggled a bit but I eventually got the words out and I felt this amazing feeling and then I just wanted to pray all the time...except I still get nervous and giggle. In fact, last Sunday one of the men in the Bishopric asked me to do the closing prayer for sacrament and I had to pray before I got up there that I would not giggle before I started praying! It is so weird to me because I seriously love public speaking. I can get on stage and talk to a crowd of complete strangers without a hiccup...but when it comes to prayer I just get so nervous! I know it is because Mormon prayer to me is so beautiful and artistic and well I am just not as magical with my words as all my friends are therefore I just turn into a giggling nervous wreck. True story.
Well so much has happened this week! I have my ticket to the east coast, train ticket to DC to see the love of my life, and plane ticket to Seattle! My plans have all been set and I just can not wait for my departure date! Life is so good and beautiful right now! I am the most blessed girl in the world, I promise! I have the best boyfriend and I can not wait to see him. I really want to just run and jump into his arms...maybe even do some love proclaimations?!? Who knows what might come out of this sweet girl's mouth! haha! I am also going to see my cousins that I have not seen in 12 years!! We have been chatting about fun things to do while I am out there so I am excited to see what happens. I think it is safe to say that judging by how many exclamation points I have used and the number of times I have said "excited", I am just ready to be on vacation! I have also decided that I NEED a pair of Hunter rain boots so BAD for my job on the ocean. I looked online for an hour tonight and found a couple pairs I love! I just can't decide whether to get black which goes with everything or get a fun color. One thing I know for sure is that I will be getting Slugs made by "ThoseAlaskanGirls" to wear with my new rainboots!
This coming up week is finals and I can not wait to just get them out of the way and move on to my final year of school! Will everybody just say a quick prayer that I do AWESOME on my tests and pass with flying colors? I would love you forever!
Night yo...it's time to catch some much needed Zzzz's. xoxo